With over 17 years of experience in global registration and regulatory compliance, ChemTox Compliance is your trusted partner in ensuring the compliance of your chemicals and cosmetics products worldwide.

Our expertise


EU & UK REACH Registration
Toxicological Assessments
Medical devices
Global REACH-like regulations
In Silico QSAR modelling
Chemical Testing

Product Registration

We provide comprehensive services for the registration of your chemicals and cosmetics products in compliance with global regulations.

Safety Data Sheets

Ensure the safety of your products with our expertly prepared Safety Data Sheets (SDS) that comply with international standards.


Our toxicological assessments and study placement/monitoring help you understand the potential hazards and risks associated with your substances and products.

a bottle of shampoo sitting on top of a green surface
a bottle of shampoo sitting on top of a green surface
Labeling Compliance

We assist you in creating accurate and compliant labels for your chemicals and cosmetics products, ensuring regulatory compliance.

REACH Compliance

Navigating the complex requirements of REACH can be challenging. Our experts provide guidance and support to achieve compliance.

Cosmetic Product Safety

We offer comprehensive solutions towards safety and compliance of cosmetics including PIF services, Safety Assessment (CPSR), label and claim review, CPNP notification, and Responsible Person services.

a bunch of old books sitting on a shelf
a bunch of old books sitting on a shelf
GHS & CLP Classification

Our experts classify your chemicals and cosmetics products according to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) standards.

  • QSAR predictions & chemical similarity for read-across purposes

  • Battery predictions: 3 QSAR approaches

  • Acute aquatic toxicity (Fish, Daphnia, Algae)

  • Cytochrome P450 substrates (2C9, 2D6)

  • Endocrine (ER binding/agonism, AR antagonism, in vitro)

  • Genotoxicity in vitro (Ames test in Salmonella t., Chromosome aberrations in CHL, Mutations in Mouse Lymphoma, Mutations in HGPRT Locus in CHO, Unscheduled DNA Synthesis in Rat hepatocyte, SHE Cell Transformation), in vivo (Drosophila m. SLRL, Mouse Micronuclei, Rodent Dominant Lethal, Mouse Sister Chromatid Exchange, Mouse Comet Assay)

  • Acute toxicity (Maximum recommended daily dose, human)

  • Skin irritation (Severe skin irritation in Rabbit)

  • Respiratory sensitization (human)

  • Cardiotoxicity (hERG blocking, in vitro)

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black laptop computer turned on showing microsoft word

Product Stewardship

In today's complex regulatory landscape, businesses dealing with chemicals must steer through a myriad of compliance requirements to ensure the safety of both their products and the environment. Navigating chemical compliance demands expert precision, combining a deep understanding of regulations with proactive strategies to meet and exceed standards. Here's a glimpse into the crucial aspects of successfully managing chemical compliance:

1. Regulatory Landscape Awareness:
Chemical regulations can vary significantly across regions and industries. Staying informed about the latest updates and changes is essential. From REACH in Europe to TSCA in the United States, a comprehensive understanding of these regulations is the cornerstone of compliance.

2. Data Management and Documentation:
Accurate and up-to-date data is the backbone of chemical compliance. Businesses must establish robust systems for data management and documentation, ensuring that information on chemical compositions, usage, and safety measures are readily available for regulatory authorities

3. Risk Assessment and Mitigation:
Conducting thorough risk assessments is crucial to identify potential hazards associated with chemical substances. Implementing mitigation strategies based on these assessments not only ensures compliance but also enhances workplace safety and protects the environment.

4. Implementation of Best Practices:
Compliance goes beyond meeting minimum standards; it involves adopting industry best practices. Implementing advanced safety measures and sustainable chemical management practices not only fosters compliance but also reflects a commitment to environmental stewardship and corporate responsibility.

5. Collaboration with Regulatory Experts:
Engaging with regulatory experts and consultants can provide invaluable support. These professionals bring in-depth knowledge of specific regulations, offer guidance on compliance strategies, and help businesses navigate the complexities of the regulatory landscape.

6. Continuous Training and Education:
The field of chemical compliance is dynamic, with regulations evolving over time. Continuous training and education for employees are essential to keep them abreast of the latest developments, ensuring that compliance efforts remain proactive and effective.

7. Embracing Technology Solutions:
In an era of digital transformation, leveraging technology solutions can streamline compliance processes. From advanced analytics for risk assessment to software platforms for data management, technology can enhance efficiency and accuracy in compliance efforts.

In conclusion, navigating chemical compliance with expert precision is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a combination of regulatory knowledge, proactive measures, and a commitment to excellence. By staying informed, implementing best practices, and leveraging technology, businesses can not only meet compliance requirements but also demonstrate leadership in environmental and occupational safety.

cars parked on parking lot during sunset
cars parked on parking lot during sunset